
Talk to me in Korean

16 May

안녕하세요! One of the most difficult parts about living in another country is overcoming language barriers. I can intensively learn Korean for a year and still have these obstacles. Have you even spent two hours at a bank to give them a small piece of information? Has it taken you days to book tickets online for a simple sporting event? Have you been yelled at for something you had no idea what it was about? Have you randomly chosen an item off a menu just because you couldn’t read it?

I have done all the following plus a million more. It’s been a great challenge for me to overcome these barriers. I have had to use my resources such as people and my iPhone (a man’s best friend).

When I first moved to Korea, I couldn’t read anything written in Korea. It was all lines and blocks to me. As time has past, I can simply, but slowly, read Korean even when I don’t understand what I am reading. Encouraged by my friend Namki, a few months ago I started using an online website called to improve my Korean. This resource has been very helpful for me as I learn Korean. I don’t expect to become fluent but I just want to be more comfortable using the language and understanding my situations more. It’s free and I encourage anyone to check it out.

Language barriers can be a problem, but with a little motivation and resources, it can be overcome. Hopefully after two years of living in Korea, I can have short conversations with my new friends in Korea. 감사합니다 (thank you)