New Environments, New Friendships

25 Apr

When living abroad, one may find themselves in completely new situations and environments. I have had to adjust my lifestyle and ways of thinking in order to succeed as a teacher in Korea. One aspect that has changed is my feeling towards friendship. I have always loved my friends and loved making new friends but never before have a gained the full concept of making friends. Back in Oklahoma, I had many of the same friends growing up. I felt I had no need to make new friends because I felt I already had enough. When first living in Korea, I had a clean slate. It was a time in my life when I was completely alone. However, thankfully, this period did not last long.

I was in the same situation as most other new teachers in Korea. All came from different backgrounds, beliefs, cultures, and environments but we all came looking for something different in Korea. This open mindset has allowed friendships to bloom resulting in hundreds of remarkable new friends in Korea. It didn’t happen overnight but it has been a gradual process in my time in Korea. From my foreigner friends to my Korean friends, I can say these friendships have truly changed my life.

 Isn’t it nice when you can say, “I have many best friends”? I say, “That’s my best friend in Oklahoma. That’s my best friend in Europe. That’s my best friend in Korea”. I am blessed with such friendships. If it sounds like I am bragging, you are right. I think we should all brag about our friends.

What are true meanings of friendships?

 I am human which means I do dumb things. It’s nice to have people say, “Ryan, that was a dumb thing you did”.  Other the contrary, it’s encouraging to hear, “Ryan, that was a dumb thing but (give advice here).” Friendships are the cause of laughter, personal growth, adventure, memories, random moments, contentment, refection, and sharing together. 

I did want to tell stories about my friends here but I would have to write a novel. If you my friend, wherever you are, I want to say “Thank you! I value you and our friendship.”

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